Caribbean Life Colouring Book


Created especially for older people, those living with dementia and children, the dementia-friendly Caribbean life colouring book is exciting for all!

You will be provided with hours of fun, colouring in lively drawings of Caribbean life! Frequently carers and family members have struggled to find culturally significant activities to allow relatives to reminisce of their early life. The beautiful imagery will be sure to bring back fond memories and be a conversation starter!

Drawings Include popular market stalls, musicians, dancing, fashion and food, plus much more!

The book has been prepared with the help of health professionals, care organisations and feedback from African Caribbean seniors and dementia patients themselves.

Colouring provides a therapeutic effect, exercising the brain. This can:

  • Improve your concentration
  • Improve short-term memory, by mentally stimulating both sides of the brain
  • Improve cognition and visual-spatial reasoning
  • Provide hours of relaxation!

Once completed check out some of our other colouring books

Also, our brain-boosting our Jigsaws and Word Games

Great present or gift Remember it’s FREE DELIVERY!!